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Intern Program Toolkit

Planning Tools

Welcome and Introduction

1. Welcome Message from Organization Leadership

2. Mission and Values of the Nonprofit

3. Importance of Internship Program

About Our Organization

1. Overview of the Organization's History

2. Key Programs and Initiatives

3. Organizational Structure and Departments

4. Our Impact in Policy and Advocacy

Internship Program Overview

1. Objectives of the Internship Program

2. Expectations of Interns

3. Opportunities for Growth and Learning

4. Mentorship and Support

Intern Policies and Procedures

1. Code of Conduct and Professionalism

2. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

3. Attendance and Punctuality

4. Dress Code

5. Technology and Security Guidelines

6. Communication Channels and Reporting Structure

Roles and Responsibilities

1. Intern's Role in Policy Research and Analysis

2. Support in Advocacy Campaigns and Initiatives

3. Administrative Duties and Support to Teams

4. Collaboration with Staff Members

Program Calendar and Events

1. Overview of Key Events

2. Orientation Schedule

3. Training and Development Workshops

Training and Development

1. Orientation Program

2. Training Sessions on Policy Analysis and Advocacy

3. Skill-building Workshops (e.g., Public Speaking, Writing)

4. Opportunities for Shadowing and Learning from Experts

Performance Evaluation and Feedback

1. Regular Check-ins with Supervisors

2. Mid-term and Final Performance Evaluations

3. Feedback Mechanisms for Continuous Improvement

4. Recognition and Rewards for Outstanding Performance

Resources and Support

1. Access to Office Facilities and Resources

2. Counseling and Wellness Support

3. Networking Opportunities

4. References and Career Guidance

Emergency Preparedness

1. Emergency Contact Information

2. Safety Protocols and Procedures

3. Evacuation Plans

Staff and Intern Contacts

1. Staff Contact Information

2. Intern Contact Information

Intern and Staff Bios

1. Intern Bios

2. Staff Bios

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

1. Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

2. Creating an Inclusive Environment

3. Addressing Bias and Discrimination


1. Gratitude for Contribution and Commitment

2. Encouragement for Future Endeavors

3. Contact Information for Further Assistance


1. Sample Templates (e.g., Weekly Report, Project Plan)

2. Glossary of Terms

3. Additional Resources and Reading Materials

Registration and Breakfast
- Check-in
- Light breakfast and coffee
- Networking with fellow interns and staff

Welcome and Introduction

- Opening remarks by Executive Director or senior leader

- Overview of the nonprofit’s mission, vision, and values

- Introduction to key personnel and departments

Icebreaker and Team-Building Activities

- Interactive icebreaker session to build rapport among interns

- Team-building exercises to foster collaboration and communication

Organizational Overview

- Presentation on the organization’s history, programs, and impact

- Overview of organizational structure and key projects

- Q&A session with senior staff

Policies and Procedures Training

- Overview of organizational policies, procedures, and code of conduct

- Detailed explanation of intern roles, responsibilities, and expectations

- Health and safety guidelines

- Review of the intern handbook

Lunch Break

- Informal networking with staff and other interns

Skills Development Workshop

- Interactive workshop on essential skills for the internship

- Topics may include time management, effective communication, and professional etiquette

Navigating Washington D.C.

- Tips and resources for living and working in Washington D.C.

- Discussion on unique challenges and how to overcome them

- Insights on transportation, local culture, and key attractions

Role-Specific Training

- Breakout sessions for different departments or roles

- In-depth training on specific tasks, tools, and technologies interns will use

- Introduction to team members and direct supervisors

Field Visit or Guest Speaker Session

- Organized visit to a relevant site or organization

- Guest speaker session with an industry expert or notable figure

- Discussion and Q&A session with the speaker or site host

Professional Development and Networking

- Strategies for building professional relationships and expanding networks

- Opportunities for mentorship within the organization

- Introduction to upcoming events and networking opportunities

Understanding the Legislative Process

- Overview of the legislative process and its relevance to the nonprofit’s mission

- Explanation of how the organization engages with policy and advocacy

- Case studies of successful legislative initiatives

Q&A and Open Discussion

- Open floor for interns to ask questions and discuss any concerns

- Feedback session to gather intern expectations and goals

Closing Remarks and Next Steps

- Summary of key takeaways from the orientation

- Outline of the next steps and initial assignments

- Closing remarks from a senior leader

End of Orientation Day

- Distribution of welcome packets and materials

- Informal mingling and networking opportunity

Empower professionals at every stage of their journey to make their mark on the world. Our interactive workshops last about 1 hour. Topics include:

Intern to Chief:The Blueprint to Success on Capitol Hill 
Learn the essential strategies and insights needed to advance your career on Capitol Hill, from entry-level intern to senior leadership positions.

Brand You: Elevate Your Impact 

Discover how to build and enhance your personal brand to make a lasting impact in your professional endeavors.

Rethink the Resume: Reimagine Your Career Story 

Gain innovative techniques to transform your resume into a compelling narrative that effectively showcases your career journey and achievements.

Interview IQ: Mastering The Art of Interviews

Develop the skills and confidence to excel in interviews through practical techniques and expert advice.

Next Level Network: Teach Trust
Explore advanced networking strategies that focus on building trust and meaningful professional relationships.

Host A Workshop

Team Builders

  1. Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items or tasks for interns to find or complete within a designated area. This encourages teamwork, communication, and exploration.

  2. Volunteer Project: Plan a community service activity where interns work together to support a local cause or organization. This not only strengthens teamwork but also reinforces the importance of giving back to the community.

  3. Mystery Box Challenge: Divide the team into groups and give each group a mystery box containing random items. Challenge them to create something innovative or useful using only the items in the box.


  1. Speed Networking: Pair interns up for brief conversations (e.g., 2 minutes each) to introduce themselves, share their interests, and learn about each other's backgrounds.

  2. Desert Island: Ask each intern to share one item they would bring with them if they were stranded on a desert island and why. It's a creative way to learn more about each other's personalities and preferences.

  3. Photo Sharing: Ask each person to bring a photo that represents a memorable moment or aspect of their life. They share the photo and the story behind it with the group.

  4. The Great Debate: Pose a lighthearted question or statement (e.g., "Is pineapple on pizza delicious or disgusting?") and let everyone share their opinion. Encourage friendly debate and discussion.

  5. Emoji Introduction: Ask everyone to introduce themselves using only emojis. It's a creative way to break the ice and learn about each other's interests.

  6. Would You Rather: Pose a series of "Would You Rather" scenarios and ask everyone to choose their preference. It's a fun way to learn about people's preferences and personalities.

Below, you will find a set of survey questions that you may consider using to create your own intern program evaluation survey. Please note that you are not required to use all the questions; feel free to select the ones that are most relevant to your program and objectives.

  1. General Experience
    • How satisfied were you with your overall internship experience? (Rate on a scale of 1-5)
    • Please share one highlight from your internship that you found particularly rewarding or memorable.

  2. Skill Development
    • On a scale of 1 to 5, rate the extent to which you feel you developed or improved your skills during the internship.
    • How did the internship contribute to your personal and professional growth?

  3. Project Engagement
    • Describe a project or task you worked on during your internship that challenged you and helped you grow.
    • In what ways did your internship projects/tasks align with your career interests and goals?

  4. Mentorship and Support
    • Share an experience where you received valuable guidance or mentorship from a supervisor or colleague.
    • How did the support you received during your internship impact your learning and development?

  5. Professional Development
    • Rate the effectiveness of the professional development opportunities (e.g., workshops, training sessions, networking events) you attended during your internship. (Rate on a scale of 1-5)
    • How did participating in professional development activities enhance your internship experience?

  6. Meeting Events and Networking
    • Describe a networking opportunity or event you attended during your internship that was particularly valuable. What did you gain from it?
    • How has networking with professionals within the organization influenced your career aspirations or goals?

  7. Program Improvement
    • What suggestions do you have for improving the internship program?
    • Would you recommend this internship program to a friend? (Yes/No)

  8. Overall Reflection
    • On a scale of 1 to 5, rate the aspect of the internship program you liked the most and why.
    • Looking back on your internship journey, what advice would you give to future interns joining our program?
    • Share one key takeaway or lesson you learned during your internship that you believe will benefit you in your future career endeavors.

Overall Performance
Evaluate the intern's overall performance during their internship. Please provide specific examples or observations to support your assessment.

Communication Skills
Assess the intern's effectiveness in communicating with team members, supervisors, and external stakeholders. Were there any notable instances where communication could have been improved? If so, please provide details.

Collaboration and Teamwork
Evaluate the intern's ability to collaborate with colleagues and contribute to team projects or activities. Were there any challenges or areas where the intern could have improved their teamwork skills? Please provide specific feedback.

Areas of Strength and Improvement
Identify the intern's strengths and areas for improvement based on their performance throughout the internship. How can the intern further develop their skills and capabilities in preparation for future roles?

Orientation Planning
Our Orientation Planning Solution ensures interns are seamlessly integrated into your organization while equipping them with essential knowledge about policies and procedures. We understand the unique challenges diverse students face and use that knowledge to help them navigate Washington D.C. Our goal is to equip interns with the skills to understand both the spoken and unspoken rules of a professional environment, and to communicate effectively. As part of our solution, we lead a planning meeting with your team, design the orientation itinerary, and schedule all of the the events, allowing you to focus on other priorities. Additionally, we provide an add-on option for a facilitator to provide onsite management of the orientation and/or lead specific workshops. Orientation programs can range from 1 to 4 days depending on your needs.

Professional Development Workshops
Empower professionals at every stage of their journey to make their mark on the world. Our interactive workshops last an 1 hour. Topics include: 

1. Intern to Chief: The Blueprint to Success on Capitol Hill 
2. Brand You: Elevate Your Impact 
3. Rethink the Resume: Reimagine Your Career Story 
4. Interview IQ: Mastering The Art of Interviews 
5. Next Level Network: Teach Trust

DC Intern Fly-In
Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of Washington, D.C. with our program designed to give college students hands-on experience in today's dynamic politics. Discover the iconic landmarks and institutions at the seat of power, as you delve into the richness of the nation's capital, connecting with diverse members of Congress and/or their staff to gain insight into their pivotal role in shaping policies. As part of our solution, we facilitate consultations with your team, curate the itinerary for your visit, organize all events, and provide a program manager for each day of your visit. We offer flexible formats to fit your schedule with options for 1-day, 2-day, or 3-day experiences.
Closing Ceremony Planning
Our Closing Ceremony Planning Solution ensures interns conclude their experience with a memorable and meaningful event. We recognize the importance of celebrating their achievements and ensuring that every intern feels valued and appreciated. Our ceremonies not only honor interns' contributions, but also reinforce their connections with your organization. As part of our solution, we lead a planning meeting with your team, design the closing program, and assist with scheduling speakers. Additionally, we provide an add-on option for onsite event management. Ceremony formats can be customized to suit your organization's preferences and can range from intimate gatherings to larger-scale events.

Welcome Gift Idea

Looking for an inspiring and practical gift for interns? Our Gifted & Black journals are an excellent choice. Featuring sections for yearly goals, aspirations, contacts, and note-taking, these journals are ideal for interns in meetings, documenting their experiences, and brainstorming the next big idea!

Take a look inside the Gifted & Black Journal.​

Order Your Gifted & Black Journal

Available in hardcover and paperback on Amazon.

Orientation & DC Fly-In Supplies

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